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Action Inputs

upload-this-branch: bool

Required: false | Default Value: false

If the current branch should have its own directory when invoking the action itself. For an example:

  • If the branch is master, then all uploads will be in master/<directory name>/...
  • If the branch is 0.2.x, then all uploads will be in 0.2.x/<directory name>/...

object-format: string

Required: false | Default Value: None

Refers to the formatter that the action will use for object names. The available keys are:

  • $(branch): Refers to the branch name
  • $(file): Refers to the file name that is being uploaded, excluding the extension.

You can use the keys to format object names;

  • $(branch)/file.js -> master/file.js
  • $(file)-$(branch).js -> file-master.js

directories: List[string]

Required: True

Refers to the directories to upload to S3. You can use multiple files with the ; seperator:

  • directories: ./a;./b;~/c:
  • <ROOT_DIR>/a
  • <ROOT_DIR>/b
  • <HOME>/c

access-key: string

Required: True

The access key ID used for authentication. It is recommended to use a Repository Action secret to store that rather than hard coding in the action step itself.

secret-key: string

Required: True

The secret key used for authentication. It is recommended to use a Repository Action secret to store that rather than hard coding in the action step itself.

use-wasabi: boolean

Required: False | Default Value: False

This input sets the S3 endpoint when creating the client to Wasabi servers ( if you're using the Wasabi S3 service.

endpoint: string

Required: False | Default Value:

This input sets the S3 endpoint when creating the client to the value you specified. This is useful if you're using a MinIO instance, if that's your cup of tea, of course.

exclude: string

Required: False | Default Value: [undefined]

This input excludes any directories to be used when uploading to S3. Glob patterns are supported!

  • ./owo -> Excludes the ./owo directory
  • ./owo/**/*.js -> Excludes any .js files from the ./owo directory.

region: string

Required: False | Default Value: US East 1 (us-east-1)

This input sets the bucket region so no request errors are shown in the console.

bucket: string

Required: True

This input sets the bucket to be used to upload objects.

acl: string

Required: False | Default Value: public-read

This input sets the ACL binding of the file when uploading to S3.